Community Fit Champion
MHFA - England

What is Community Fit Champion?
The above heading is referred to Community Fit is a two day work shop designed by FIKRAFYA in collaboration with Mental Health First aid U.K. specifically for developing countries where people have limited access to the mental health professionals and it’s also costly, it also creates self-awareness, self-understanding and self-care.
Statistics show that one in four people go through mental health conditions in their life and 75% of it starts between ages 14 to 25. Furthermore, at work front mental health conditions cost huge amounts due to unproductivity of employees. However due to stigma and fear of proving weak or being labeled, people don’t talk about it and some are totally unaware. Which can lead to crisis because treatment for mental health is available and the earlier it is spotted and started treatment the greater the chances of speedy recovery.
Fikrafya runs two days comprehensive workshop.
After this workshop, you will be:
~ A Mental Health First Aider accredited from MHFA (U.K) with title of COMMUNITY FIT CHAMPION.
~ Able to support yourself and those around you.
~ Able to cope and manage day to day stress.
~ Spot the signs and symptoms of mental health conditions.
~ Join a network of more than 300 CFCs in East Africa for touching lives and supporting people at corporate and individual level.
We would like to invite you and people you network with to this workshop so together we can live happy fulfilling life and shift from merely surviving to thriving community. We will be happy to have you on board and for further details, feel free to contact us.